
The USDA Announces Final Rule on U.S. Hemp Production

The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its Final Rule on Hemp Production on January 16th, 2021. Read the final rule here.

We are excited to see improvements in comparison to the Interim Final Rule, but as will always be the case, there is more work to be done to improve hemp industry guidelines for everyone. 

Stakeholders’ comments were taken into account to make several positive changes, including: 

Here are some policies that didn’t change. These are policies that many stakeholders opposed.

There is a lot of information to digest in this 300 page document, but for the most part, states will have some freedom to change their plans as they see fit. The USDA maintains it’s right to audit state plans, but overall we don’t think USDA will have too much regulating to do on the federal level. 

While we still have much work to do, bringing hemp to mainstream America is becoming more of a reality each day!